Dale Jordan's Portfolio online
Email: dj@dalejordan.net
Resume online: dalejordan.com
Telephone: 310-227-3922
Shams ar Riyadh
My employer, Kritzinger + Rao was one of may architectural firms hired to
produce plans for the Shams
ar Riyadh residential development. My assignments included:
Developing 2 phases of the client's master plan into individual plot plans shown in
an overall set.
Designing the stairs for the minarets of some of the developments' many mosques,
in accordance with strict mosque construction requirements.
Creating this graphic
model of a shopping center our firm designed.
school project
I haven't been able to make any
good looking graphic files (typical of Revit) so you can view some of the PDFs
Here: A0-0
A2-1 A2-3
A2-5 A3-1
My Las Vegas work - Because of confidentiality agreements typical to casino work, my work from Las Vegas can not be posted online; however I have printed samples that I can show you in person.
A sheet of details I created for a residential CD
set I did on my own. The set was approved by City of Orange, CA.
TI - Stason Pharmaceutical - While at MVA, I designed & drafted the plans for this tenant improvement project, and coordinated the engineering drawings.
TI - L.A. County Sheriff's Department - While at MVA, I did all the drafting, coordinated the engineering drawings, and conducted the construction administration. I had to slog through a web of many LASD officials, 2 GCs, and get approval from the difficult L.A. County in-house building and safety.
TI - miscellaneous - 3 smaller projects from my MVA years.
30 unit condo CDs - Bay Club Phase 2 - While at Prescott, I drafted many of the original plans for the building in 1999 and 2000. The 30 unit Condominium is in the San Destin resort in Walton County Florida.
Majestic Sun Marketing Center - While at Prescott, This is part of the work I did on the Majestic Sun project.
A house plan I did on my own for an eccentric (typical) client in Destin, FL.